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The Cleveland County Arts Council will educate, promote, support and enrich our community through arts activities that are creative, inspiring and inclusive.


The Cleveland County Arts Council is a catalyst for a vibrant community.

About Us

The Cleveland County Arts Council, was chartered in 1987, and is a non-profit service organization whose purpose is to sponsor and encourage cultural and educational activities in Cleveland County. It's goals have been, and continue to be to provide:

  • A Central location for the Arts in Cleveland County
  • Administrative Service to member art organizations in the county
  • Art Education for all age groups.

What We Are

We are a building, the old Post Office, located on the square in Historic Uptown Shelby. Kids play here, learn here, and laugh here. Grown ups discover talents that they never knew they had here. We are a place to collect your thoughts, a space to share with loved ones. We are a place where you can try new things, see new things, and share new dreams.

Who We Are

We are an organization that directly reaches over 21,000 people in Cleveland County. Over 10,000 people walk through the Arts Council doors each year, to view our exhibits, attend our art classes, take in performances, meet artists, and make new friends. Over 13,000 students attend one of the 24 cultural performances we sponsor in the schools, over 400 attend summer art camp and over 800 enter the annual student art competition. We have over 500 artists participate in various programs with the assistance of over 200 volunteers.

We help artists find money to practice their crafts, and offer a facility where they can share their work with others.

We are the umbrella organization in Cleveland County, offering promotion and support to 22 affiliate groups.

This website is part of a regional collaboration supported by the NC Arts Council, local arts councils, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the Arts & Science Council of Charlotte-Mecklenburg.