Carolina Pottery Festival
November 1, 2025
The Carolina Pottery Festival returns for its 24th year on Saturday, November 1, 2025.
This pottery festival attracts crowds of over 1000 pottery lovers with close to 100 well-known regional potters showing and selling their work. It is one of the largest “pottery only” festivals in the southeast with a wide range of traditional and contemporary work that is functional, decorative, and sculptural. Artists are on hand to talk about their inspiration, methods of creation, and answer any questions.
This festival was started by potters, for potters, and continues to celebrate and honor the rich heritage of pottery in our region. “This is an excellent way to see so many different styles of pottery all under one roof,” stated Bobbi Black, one of the festival founders. “Our goal has always been to showcase a wide variety of pottery and to give customers the opportunity to meet the potters while they shop.”
The pottery festival is coordinated by the Cleveland County Arts Council. “We are thrilled to be back this year with many returning potters as well as potters who are new to our festival,” commented Shearra Miller, Executive Director of the Arts Council.
Interested potters can email Shearra Miller at
Participating Potters as of March 21:
Pamela Bailey -- Pam Bailey Pottery
Tom and Kathy Banfield -- Banfield Pottery
Dianna Bessette -- Glazed Expressions
Bobbie Black -- BH Black Pottery
Kyle Carpenter -- Green Thumb Pottery
Cathy Cash and Bruce Jordan -- Jordan Mill Pottery
Debbie Chapman -- Skunk Hollow Pottery
David Clark -- Mudslinger Pottery
Lisa Claytor -- Mud Slinger Pottery
Jan Collier -- Happy Toad Pottery
Lisa and Pat Connell -- Connell's Clay
Lourdes (Lu) Cuevas -- Barro Decor LLC
Rita Diehl -- Diehl's Pottery
Sandy Forbes -- Legacy House Clay
Gene and Nan Freeman -- Foo's Pottery
Maria Frey -- Potteria
Vicki Gill -- Bluegill Pottery
Mary Grum -- Kickwheel Studio
Mark Guess -- Caveman Pottery
Kim Haig -- Kim Haig Pottery
Dan Hebert -- Pots by A'bear
Eric Holder -- Eric Holder Pottery
Dorothy Houlditch -- Red Feather Pottery
Virginia Hurley -- Tigersmoon Design
Becca Irvin -- Becca Irvin Pottery
Misty Johnson -- Misty Mountain Studio
Susan Jones -- Susan Jones Pottery
Melissa and Jeff Kniceley -- Talking Mud Pottery
Ed Lane -- Ed Lane Pottery and Design
Mike Ledford -- Joe's Lake Pottery
Dollie Letourneau and Mike Lahr -- Ravenswood Pottery
Nikki and Matthew Lonon -- Lonon Pottery
Amanda Maishman -- Ceramic Sorcery
Keith Martindale -- Keith Martindale Pottery
Pam McLeod -- Pamdora's
Jodi McNeely -- Jodi Lynn Pottery
Raine Middleton -- Raine Middleton Pottery
Olivia Mourglea and Carolyn Walker -- Walker-Mourglea Pottery
Richard Dana Paul -- Peaceful Path Pottery
Deborah Celeste Perkins -- Pottery by Celeste
Remo Piracci -- Pottery by Remo
John and Scottie Post -- Hog Hill Pottery
Rebecca Reiff and Sally Tatham -- Black Pug Pottery
Gail Richard -- Mud Pie Pottery
John Saunders
Lisa Schmidt -- Everyday Earthenware
Jennifer Schraw -- JLS Pottery
Renwick Price Shealy -- Renwick Arts, LLC
Cris Tadesse -- Crisanthemum Ceramics
Tom and Abby Whitaker -- Potter at Large
Tricia Woodland -- Woodland Pottery
-Free, Convenient Parking
-All types of pottery
-Just in time for Holiday Shopping
-$6 Admission (under 12 free)
Tickets available in advance or at the door.
Location: LeGrand Center,
1800 E. Marion Street
Shelby, NC